Monday, February 11, 2013


Today we had a team meeting where we briefly went over google docs and google calendar and had a time of worship through listening to music and just resting in God. It's funny because in the beginning what was going through my head when the music started was, I have a lot of other things to do, we are at work, how training wasn't anything in depth, why are we gonna spend twenty minutes of our time listening to worship music to spend time with God at the end of our work day. Then I thought about it again and I had to redirect my thinking. I'm actually thankful that I work in an environment where God is openly talked about, I work in an environment where the team I'm apart of is faith based and has their own personal relationship with God. It's an honor to be able to spend some work time to just sit back, relax and find time in God, not a lot of Christians get the opportunity to do so. Thank you God to such a privilege.

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