Thursday, February 21, 2013

We Don't Meet People By Accident

I reflect on this a lot, there is a reason for why we meet whoever we meet on any given day and any given time. As I was reflecting with a friend tonight, as I always do with her, because I'm just SO grateful for this stage in my life, none of this would have happened if I didn't meet these people. And if these things had not happen, it's so hard to imagine my life without these awesome people.

I have a current friend whom I met from Ambit from a sixth degree of separation kind of thing. If it wasn't for Ambit and our "business" backgrounds we would've had never met. But since we did, she connected me with the person I needed to to get into the program I am in now. If it wasn't for her, I would've never took a second look at this program because I was so turned off the first time I inquired about it.

I have another friend I met in college at an IVCF retreat, we were in the same prayer group in the prayer track during my sophomore or junior year of college. She was a little older than me and we haven't talked since then. My brother had worked under her leadership in EMS in City College. We crossed paths again when when I inquired about this program for the second time and it was her first week working there as an assistant. It just happened to be perfect timing because she was standing right in front of me during my interview. If my Ambit friend contacted me any earlier or any later, who knows, I probably wouldn't have cross paths with the IVCF friend. But my IVCF friend is the one who hooked me up with the part-time job I have now. Shockingly, she got promoted and now I work under her leadership as well. I love working with her and love her work ethics.

Because I got connected with this part time job, now I have a future husband to be. And if the college was just a little bit organized in the way I wanted them to, I would've never had the task to go up to classrooms to pull students out of class and happen to meet my future "the one" there. But, we only knew each other because we had some sort of prior acknowledgement of each other through the retreat we met at the year before. Our church hosts a year retreat with their denomination, if it wasn't for the small group coordinator's sister who brought her current husband who brought his cousin, I would've never met the person I am with now. Life is crazy!

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