Friday, February 22, 2013


Yesterday, as my friend mentioned her 5 year goal, I decided to set myself a 10 year goal as I am so big on goal setting as well. My 10 year goal is to own my own counseling practice or start one with some people I have connected with in the counseling field. I don't know how it's going to look like but there's no harm to set that goal.

The other often mentions to me that he sees me being a professor. He says I critique professors and size them up in the first class session and not many people do that. After starting my masters degree, I felt like pursuing a PhD wouldn't be so bad because I love learning and it wouldn't hurt to eventually get a title behind my name. He feels like I would be good at teaching. As I'm reflecting... I do realize that I always collect everything I learn in hopes to eventually organize it one day and be able to spit it out the same way my professors had. From speakers, I'm always trying to learn their presenting and communications style and ponder on how I would go about it if I was in their shoes. Who knows, I have no clue how the future will look like a couple of years from now but I'll have to continue to trust in God. Currently, I'm overwhelmed with what I'm learning and it's just information overload, but since I'm a student, it's normal that I feel this way.

Yesterday I went to Covenant House, an organization that helps homeless teens get back on their feet. We had a tour and were given a briefing about the organization. I was trying to imagine if I would fit in an organization like that because from reading about them on their website, I got so excited and would love to work at a place like that. I definitely do imagine myself working there, it's a little hard to imagine myself working in a rich corporate setting because that's not where my heart is. But at the same time, I still feel like I can do so much more with my passions. I want to do so much more.

I want to do big things in the future and definitely don't want to settle for less because I felt like God is calling me for more. I know that what I'm doing currently... God has place me here for a while to learn and experience certain things before I move onto a different chapter in life.

As I think about my future, I'm battled because I trust God but I also have anxiety over how my future is going to look like because I don't know what it's going to look like. I trust that he works for our good for as long as we seek to glorify him, but just the process is scary!

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