Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sudden Thought

Whoah, right after I got off the train after class, I had this really random thought. I can only hope this is God-given, but I just wanted to jot it down before I forget, but if this really happens in the future, praise God. Recently, a lot of the new and great friends I have been making are not really New Yorkers. Many of them are friends I would want to keep for a long time but many seem to be either international students here in NY or their "home" is not NY. While I'm grateful to have met such awesome people in my life, I'm also a little sad that they won't be in my life for long because they may soon have to go back to where they came from so to say. SO, on the car, I had a random thought that this is all happening for a reason. Perhaps, is God paving the way for me to have connections in different parts of the world in the future? Might my deepest desire and prayer be unfolding right before my eyes? If this is so, that would be amazing. But after a great conversation with a friend tonight, my only conclusion is to just give it up to God and trust God with my future because I never know how life is going to look like even a year from now. Thank God with what I have right now and I'm going to continue to trust God with the unknown areas of my life. Only He knows.

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