Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Conditions We Live In

So the other texted me today saying that he got a flat tire and he changed it to a spare. This was our conversation:

Me: So you have two spares on the car now?
Him: Yup. It looks like a clown car.
Me: Love it. Clown car lives in garbage city.
Him: With cat poop everywhere.
Me: LOL.
Him: No doorbell.
Me: (At this point, I'm dying and cracking up in my little cubicle)
Him: Address written with marker.
Me: And one too many garbage cans.
Him: Only the living room is livable space.
Him: Drain doesn't work.
Him: Crazy lady in attic.
Him: Lights always go out.
Me: If people hear this, they will think we are crazy.
Him: House is crooked
Me: Windows fall down on their own.

Anyway, this made me laugh because I actually thought we were living pretty well until we listed all the ridiculous things we face because of the place we are living in. If our living conditions got better in the future, we can definitely laugh at this even harder years from now.

I'm very grateful that despite all these little dysfunctional things, I thank God for heat that works very well and hot water.

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