I think the most stressful thing thus far in this whole pregnancy experience is the days after the expected due date. Feelings of anticipation and being antsy as I wait for the baby to be due anytime but at the same time, grateful for the extra time that I've been able to clean and rest.
One major thing that added to my stress, although I am beyond grateful for everyones care and regard, is the unending questions of if the baby is out yet. Not really that, but the follow up questions as well. For the first couple of days, it was fine, I was grateful for people reaching out to make sure baby and me are okay, but then afterwards, because I have the same answer everyday, it just gets tiring and it causes me a lot of stress actually. In addition, I'm hearing opinions left and right of what I should do and how I should go about my decisions.
What topped it off I guess is because I go to a pretty active church and everyone knew that I was supposed to be due this past Monday. So when people saw me at church yesterday, the first statement would be "you're still here?!" and other comments following. Although none of the comments are negative, it just takes a toll on me mentally. It causes me stress because I want the baby to come out too and since the baby is living inside me, every waking moment I keep thinking about when this baby is going to come out. A couple of text messages here and there initially were no big deal, but now when the entire church and every single human that passes by you is asking questions, it's just exhausting responding with the same dreadful answer.
This morning, a few close friends texted me... "contractions yet?" "the baby out yet?" "what are you going to do now?" "getting induced?". I started answering with one word answers because it's been a week and I think mentally I'm becoming drained and weary also. I ended up texting them and saying, "sorry I'm not in the mood to talk about baby popping anymore, it just causes me more stress". When I texted them that, it made me want to cry because it does cause me more stress but I don't want to stress out the baby due to my ridiculous emotions. I felt a little mean because I sort of sounded cold towards them, but I'm mentally at the point where I think I want to silence my phone and reach out to everyone when the baby is ready to come out.
Initially the induction was going to be set for tonight at 2AM. We ended up calling in and saying that we want to wait a couple of more days. We'll go for another check up tomorrow just to make sure the baby is okay.
This is definitely quite an experience.
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