Thursday, April 16, 2015

Four Days And Counting

The baby is still not here yet and on one hand I'm grateful that I've got all the time in the world to rest the past couple of days, but on the other hand, I'm just waiting in anticipation, using up my vacation days, could've finished my internship this week and everything! So I have a mix of feelings. 

Currently at the doctor and he says by Monday, he would either recommend inducing or if I really want to I could wait two weeks. I'm really hoping that God would allow the baby to come out sooner! Lol. 

Initially I was nervous of all the pain and everything because I don't know what to expect. At this point, I think I'll be so excited and grateful that my body is making progress to get this baby out that pain is no longer a nerve wrecking factor for now, I'll be grateful to feel some pain to  get this baby moving out into the world! 

This week, though, I'm grateful because I was able to clean a lot, and sleep a lot, and do a lot of nothing. It was some much needed rest but still, this anticipation is still making me feel restless! Baby, when are ya gonna come out! 

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