Monday, April 22, 2013

Connects Best With

For homework, we had to ask some friends this question: "What kinds of people do I connect with best?"Below are some of the answers I received:
  • From fiance -- "talkative people and people who are like you."
  • From JHS friend -- "you can connect with anyone and everyone because you are just an awesome gal. But i guess you connect best with your peers or friends or anyone who shares similar beliefs as you."
  • From brother -- "people who have capacity to understand or at least show empathy."
  • From other brother -- "people who open up and trust easily."
  • From church -- "I feel like you connect with people who is God seeking and comes to you but not clinging to every word you say and do. I think its the people you feel you are most comfortable, happy, and real/honest with are the people you connect with best."
  • Close friend -- "In addition to connecting with people similar to your personality and all that jazz I feel that you connect best with people who are very transparent and genuine because you admire and respect that, and are that. And also people who are extroverts somehow which is weird because you're an introvert which contradicts the first part of what I said that you connect well with people with your kind of personality."
  • Best friend -- "people in need of help. since you're a great listener, people who need some guidance comes to you? but you are friends with anyone."
  • Close friend -- "You connect well with people who aren't lazy. I suppose that means you connect with people that take up responsibility and won't skirt around borders. You also connect well with positive people. For example, your bridesmaids are all positive and future looking people - like you! And lastly, people who share their opinions with you."

1 comment:

  1. Interesting!! This is a great assignment, I wonder what people would say about me lol.?

    I also think you Connext with people similar to you. People who are positive and headstrong who are tough and want to get things done not messing around, but you seem to be know and be friends with everyone so you talk to everyone, but I didn't know u were introvert lol, but I guess you can be, I think you're very extroverted lol but you would not like share everything with ppl unless they ask or yore mad close to them.
