Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My Own Personal Testimony

A couple of Sundays ago, I was sharing with some friends over lunch after service the great things God had been doing in my life recently and reasons why we should just surrender, let go and let God. I shared a lot of personal things that had been going on in my life recently that made me come to this conclusion. It wasn't a easy process but God always shown himself faithful.

After listening, a long time friend said: "Wow, Joan, remember back in the days where you said you used to never have your own testimony to share, well now you do. That's amazing."

When he said, it made me realize how different things have been the past couple of years. Back then, I used to always share encouraging stories, but they were never my own. It was always how God was working in the lives of others. I would be so encouraged I couldn't help but to share. But when people started to ask what was going on in my life, I didn't have much to share. I would just say life's going great, nothing crazy.

Recently, I have stories I can call my own! I've had so many testimonies to share because God's been working so crazily in my life that I just want everyone to know how faithful he is. All it takes is to surrender and give it over to God.

But of course, it's easier said than done.

Over the weekend, a friend and I were talking and I was sharing with him that my stronghold and weaknesses is my inability to trust God fully. It's always a battle because I'm such a planner and I am so driven that I worry a lot about how the future is going to look like. I tell myself I give it over to God, but deep inside, I'm still holding on to it. It's those tug-of-war battles that go on and on. But once I fight to the point I realize I really can't do it on my own, God starts miraculously working like no tomorrow.

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