Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It's very encouraging when every so often, someone tells me that they've been praying for me. Although I don't know if they are praying for me out of concern for me or praying for me because they are encouraged, but whatever the reason, there are people praying. Just knowing that is encouraging.

This week:
Previous Coworker: it will get better soon.. wanting to let you know, ive been praying for you... God definitely brought you here, im glad to cross paths w you!

Classmate:  yeah I have been praying for u girl

It's funny because I don't typically tell people out loud that I am praying for them, but now that I think about it, when people tell me they are praying for me, I get caught off guard but I feel encouraged and am thankful, would that help if I told others I was praying for them?

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