Friday, April 12, 2013


Last night I had a dream that I was sitting in the dining hall and got up and reprimanded two people in the hallways of the church (although I don't clearly remember what I rebuked them about). Just when one of the persons were going to heavily attack me, they weren't able to, I was blocked by a protective force or shield. Interestingly, I immediately thought it was God protecting me because I was doing the right thing. The first thought was, whoah, thank you God.

The other day, my coworker was reading a verse to me about God chastening us and disciplining us into righteousness. The love of God doesn't come easy and fluffy. This conversation led to more discussion about how important it is to speak truth into someone's life. I felt like this dream was confirming that I shouldn't have fear when it comes to something like that because its always necessary to speak the truth in love. And God will work through me to be his hands extended.

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