Thursday, April 11, 2013


Finding an internship hasn't been the smoothest process for me, in fact, it's been almost two months and I have still yet to land an internship. Initially, I was pretty confident that it wouldn't be hard to find one, but since of all the crazy great circumstances that have been getting in the way, my options are not as broad anymore. And because of that, it hasn't been very easy. Of course, I know I have to trust God in this whole process but it's still making me anxious and stressed nonetheless. I know that God is going to have the right internship panned out for me, I just have to be patient in waiting.

Throughout the past two months, I've had so many emotions towards internship. I've felt discouraged enough to reconsider if I should graduate from AGSC or not. I have thought about taking the decelerated track and just graduate in two years because I just attained this job which is taking up most of my time. It's been hard for me to see that I can graduate in a year although that was my original goal. I'm sure that God has something planned out for me in the way I least expect, but I'm getting too anxious!

Anyway, during peer coaching today, I made up my mind to at least try to find an internship where their offices are opened on Saturdays. I set the goal to finish in one year and it's not impossible and I shouldn't get discouraged.

Last week I interned for two places. One place seemed like they saw me as a good candidate but when I mentioned that I might've preferred part time, they had to second think the decision. The second place I interviewed at... it was a great interview but it was a conflict of interest, so it's very hard to say that he'd call me back.

I know I have to do my due diligence and wait patiently. Since I don't have much time before the deadline to find an internship, there are the following steps I'm going to take and hope that God would truly take care of the rest for me:

- Call the two sites and follow up with them.
- Talk to the internship advisor to see if she has any advice.
- Call some sites to see if they are accepting interns and if they are opened on Saturdays
- Possibly send some of my resumes if I see anything that might be doable.

I'm actually tired of sending out resumes, I don't want to get more calls for interviews because it's very inconvenient to go on interviews with such a tight schedule, and I just really pray that in this time of anxiousness, God would help me find rest in Him and that I would cast my cares upon Him and let him tae care of me and bless me with the internship that suits me.

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