Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Internship Secured!

Once again, God did it again! This morning, I got to work and was about to meet a student. I realized I got a missed call and a voicemail from the Nyack College NYC Counseling Center supervisor. Being a little nervous about what to expect because I had almost lost all hope in thinking that this internship site was even an option, I quickly heard the first ten seconds of my voice message before meeting the student.

Here's what I heard:

"Hi Joan... I'm calling because I would like to offer you the part time internship at Nyack Undergrad... I was very impressed with the interview and think you would be a good asset..."

After I heard that, my heart stopped for a moment, I needed to gather myself together and I turned off my phone since the student was coming in. This is what was going on in my head: "OH MY GOSH, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS JUST HAPPENED. I HOPE I'M HEARING THIS RIGHT. GOD IS CRAZY."

An hour or two later, I finished hearing the message, this is what the supervisor said:  "...I'm hoping you would be able to work on Tuesday and Thursday since you said that you are flexible...I hope you're still interested and want to come on board. Thank you, God bless."

Right away, I freaked out and was in so much shock because this was the least I expected. I was so frustrated yesterday because after meeting with the internship advisor, she gave me advice I already knew and told me to just apply for a couple more internship sites and see where it takes me. Then, when I met up with the other half, he jokingly said, "Maybe it's not God's will to get an internship right away." So, anxiety, of course, was still high and I was just too exhausted to move forward.

The first person I told was my angel, who was sitting right in front of me. She said, "Joan, you've been receiving a lot of blessings lately!" And I told her how much I was in awe of what was happening, God has been doing so many things in my life recently I'm having a hard time balancing everything.

Then, she said... "You're doing the right thing, all these things are happening because you're walking in alignment with God."


Now although this is wonderful news, I still have to figure out how to balance everything. He wants me to do Tuesdays and Thursdays which means I have to make up my hours for my job which means I have to spend a lot of time in the work place. In addition, this is going to be for two years, so I'll be most probably exhausted every single day of the week for two years before I finally get to graduate and be free, but all in all, WOW, God, you always surprise me and you always confirm that I should just trust in you.

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