me: HI
me: Sure. Any particular devotional topic?
Boss: I think the Lord has already given it to you.
me: Yeah? Okay, I will seek the Lord for it then.
(We sit just a couple of feet from each other. He bursted out laughing because of my comment and said... "Was I wrong?"
me: I do feel like God has been reminding me of something the past two days but I didn't think that pertained to work. But maybe it does, not sure, that's why I will seek the Lord for it.

All week long, I was asking God what he wanted me to share with the team about. I mean, I felt like God has been reminding me that there's a light at the tunnel through the David Jeremiah concert (to blog more about) and the conversation with my friend from DR. I was reading the Bible this week and nothing really stood out for me and I kept wondering if that personal thing God had for me was for the team too.
Then, this morning, I thought came to me. Leviticus 11:44. During my quiet time last Saturday morning, this was the verse that stood out to me. This was what came to mind and I couldn't believe I didn't think about this earlier! This was the verse I was looking for!
So here was the devo before the team meeting:
“I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.” - Leviticus 11:44
Throughout the book of Leviticus, God establishes all these rules for the Israelites and in Chapter 11, God gives the Israelites specific regulations concerning animals, birds and every living thing that moves about in the water and on the ground. He specifically distinguishes between the unclean and the clean, the animals that should be eaten and should not be eaten. Towards the end of the chapter, God says, “I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.” Then he reminds the Israelites once again what makes them unclean and says to them, “I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore, be holy, because I am holy.”
Holy means being set apart for God, that means being set apart in everything we do -- whether we are at work, school, home, church, whatever it is. As I was reading this, that particular verse stood out to me because sometimes, it’s so easy to lose sight of God and the plans that he has for us. When things start becoming stressful, frustrating and anxiety provoking, we start to complain, we start to conform to the patterns of the world and the focus becomes about me, me, me and it no longer becomes about God. I don’t know if that’s true for you, but that’s how it always is for me. The past two weeks, God has been putting me in my place, he continually reminds me that it’s not about me; it’s about Him. He is the Lord my God and I need to be holy because God is holy.
God works funny because not only does he reveal that to me in His word but the past two weeks, he put certain things in my place to show me that it’s all about Him. I had a friend I went to college with who was an international student from Dominican Republic. Through years and years of God disciplining her and stripping her from her own desires and passions to follow his will, she felt the tugging to go to Russia to live there and share the gospel by working in orphanages. She finally obeyed, bought a one way ticket to Russia, packed her bags, and moved their last week. For her life, God was telling her, “I am the Lord your God, consecrate yourself, and be holy as I am holy.”
A couple of days later, I went to the David Jeremiah event and the whole focus of the event was about the Bible, and how God speaks to us through his Word and reading his Word changes us. Again, God was reminding me to be holy, he is the one who brought me out of the wilderness to where I am now in my life, it was Him who changed me, and therefore I must be holy because he is holy. So even in my seasons of discouragements, God continuously reminds me that there is a light at the tunnel and be set apart because he is set apart.
Earliest this week, the boss said that God placed in his heart for me to do a short devotional and open in prayer. This is something that he has placed in my heart recently and hopefully this verse was able to speak to you personally as it did for me.
It's a good feeling to know that even in my dark times, God still works through me. In that, I'm blessed.
After the meeting, the boss said: "You know, sometimes, I question myself if God is really putting on my heart a specific something or not, but what you just shared confirmed it."
Then, my coworker said: "Just wanted to say, You did an excellent Job with the devotion today. That was all Holy Spirit girl!! Preach it!! I felt the power!! I was ready to sing! worship"
I'm so undeserving of this. All I do is complain complain complain when things are not going right, but God is still faithful. Thanks God for encouraging me when I most need it.